G5-401 |
Les nouvelles inégalités du travail |
Gregory Verdugo |
2017 |
9782724620900 |
SciencesPo |
119 |
G2-890 |
L'innovation Sociale |
Juan-Luis Klein Denis Harrison |
2007 |
9782760513747 |
Presses de l'Université du Québec |
423 |
G4-523 |
Le Marché |
Laurence Fontaine |
2014 |
9782070143580 |
nrf Gallimard |
367 |
G7-166 |
La prima generazione |
G1-794 |
Nella spirale tecnopratica |
Jurgen Habermas |
2016 |
978885811161 |
Editori Laterza |
113 |
G1-795 |
L'approdo mancato |
Franco Amadori |
2017 |
9788807990724 |
Feltrinelli |
373 |
G4-524 |
Utopia per realisti |
Ruter Bregman |
2017 |
9788807173257 |
Feltrinelli |
251 |
G2-891 |
The welfare state |
David Garland |
2016 |
9780199672660 |
Oxford University Press |
G3-61 |
Verso la sociologia mondo |
Luciano Gallino |
2016 |
9788878854826 |
Rosenberg & Sellier |
270 |
G2-892 |
L'Europa asociale |
Luis Moreno Fernàndez |
2017 |
9788825501070 |
Aracne |
210 |
G1-796 |
Western Capitalism in transition |
A. Andreotti D. Benassi Y. Kazepov |
2018 |
9781526122414 |
Manchester University Press |
313 |
G6-212 |
Ai margini dell'unione europea |
Devi Sacchetto |
2011 |
978884305683 |
Carocci |
222 |
G2-893 |
Le case dei poveri |
Antonio Tosi |
2016 |
9788857541914 |
Mimesis |
179 |
G4-525 |
Banlieue |
Ambrosini bonacina bonomi castro citterio colemagna debbouze doninelli lerner manzo massarenti mongin sala terragni tettamanzi |
2007 |
9771825499003 |
Communitas |
192 |
G4-526 |
Sortir des banlieues |
Sophie Body-Gendrot Catherine Wihtol de Wenden |
2007 |
9782746710023 |
autrement Frontiéres |
125 |
G4-527 |
Les villes la fin de la violence? |
Sophie Body-Gendrot |
2001 |
9782724608403 |
Presses de sciences Po |
147 |
ANTR-33 |
La bureaucratisation du monde |
Bèatrice Hibou |
2011 |
9782707174390 |
La Dècouverte |
223 |
G1-797 |
Le capital de l’abbondance à l’utilitè |
Thierry Philipponnat |
2017 |
9782374250601 |
Rue de l'èchiquier |
110 |
G2-894 |
Gouverner la sècuritè sociale |
Bruno Parlier |
2002 |
9782130509837 |
Presses universitaires de france |
466 |
G1-798 |
Enrichissement |
Luc Boltanski Arnaud Esquerre |
2017 |
9782070147878 |
Gallimard |
663 |
G1-799 |
La sociètè hyper-industrielle |
Pierre Veltz |
2017 |
9782021331820 |
La republique des idees |
120 |
MS-582 |
Tecnologia e democrazia |
Luciano Gallino |
2007 |
9788806186784 |
Biblioteca Einaudi |
296 |
G2-895 |
From the great transformation to the great financialization |
Kari Polany Levitt |
2013 |
9781780326481 |
Fernwood Publishing |
285 |
G4-528 |
Freedom rising |
Christian Welzel |
2013 |
9781107664838 |
Cambridge University press |
441 |
G1-800 |
Social Movements In Time of Austerity |
D. della Porta |
2015 |
9780745688596 |
Polity |
249 |
ANTR-34 |
La mystique de la croissance |
Dominique Méda |
2013 |
97820812999177 |
Flammarion |
264 |
G4-529 |
Cities of Power |
G. Therboran |
2017 |
978178785444 |
Verso |
408 |
G1-801 |
Le capital au XXI siècle |
Thomas Piketti |
2013 |
9788845277733 |
Seuil |
969 |
G4-281 |
Surviving in the city |
G4-530 |
Urban political geoagraphies |
Ugo Rossi Alberto Vanolo |
2012 |
978057028846 |
Sage |
210 |
G2-896 |
Capitalismi a confronto |
Luigi Burroni |
2016 |
9788815259646 |
Il Mulino |
246 |
G5-234 |
Unemployment in europe |
SYMES, Valerie |
G4-531 |
Land of strangers |
Ash Amin |
2012 |
9780745652184 |
Polity |
205 |
G4-532 |
Terzo rapporto sulle città |
2018 |
9788815275448 |
Il Mulino |
330 |
G2-897 |
The moral neoliberal |
Andrea Muehlebach |
2012 |
9780226545400 |
The university of Chicago press |
292 |
ANTR-35 |
Scarcity |
Sendhil Mullainathan Eldar Shafir |
2014 |
9788842820451 |
IlSaggiatore |
282 |
G4-533 |
Cities |
Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift |
2002 |
9780745624143 |
Polity |
184 |
ANTR-36 |
Our Kids |
Robert D, Putnam |
2015 |
97814769899 |
Simon & Shuster |
386 |
G5-402 |
Buying time |
Wolfgang Streeck |
2014 |
9781781685488 |
Verso |
219 |
G2-898 |
The social movements reader |
Jeff Goodwin James M. Jasper |
2015 |
9781118729793 |
Wiley Blackwell |
432 |
G2-899 |
L'innovation sociale |
B. Lèvesque J. Fontan J. Klein |
2014 |
9782760539631 |
Presses de l'universitè du Quèbec |
451 |
G5-403 |
Rendre justice au travail |
Matthieu de Nanteuil |
2016 |
9782130633372 |
357 |
G5-404 |
Chronique du travail aliènè |
Lise Gaignard |
2016 |
97910943460745 |
Edition d'une |
174 |
G4-534 |
La fin du village |
Jean-Pierre le Goff |
2012 |
9782070774425 |
Gallimard |
577 |
G4-535 |
L'enigma della democrazia |
Jan-Werner Muller |
2012 |
9788806213008 |
Piccola Biblioteca enaudi |
353 |
G4-536 |
La solidarité |
Alain Supiot |
2015 |
9782738131430 |
Odile Jacob |
355 |
G1-803 |
Making capitalism fit for society |
Colin Crouch |
2013 |
9780745672236 |
Polity |
203 |
G1-804 |
City |
Phil Hubbard |
2006 |
978015330992 |
Routledge |
298 |
G1-805 |
Il potere dei giganti |
Colin Crouch |
2012 |
9788842097891 |
Anticorpi Laterza |
211 |
G1-806 |
Algoritmi di libertà |
Michele mezza |
2018 |
9788868437619 |
Donzelli Editore |
277 |