
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
1051 Nutrition for the elderly ALBANESE, Anthony A. 1980 Alan R. Liss 332
1.019GSR La presa della bastiglia GODECHOT, Jacques 1969 Alberto Mondadori 413
1.020GSR L'economia antica JULES, Toutain 1968 Alberto Mondadori 383
1.082GSR Mao tse tung e la cina moderna SCHRAM, Stuart 1968 Alberto Mondadori 455
1.077GSR L'homme et la matiere ANDRE, Leroi Gourham 1971 Albin Michel 348
G4-470 Plan de acciòn para la regiòn metropolitana Departamentos de Nanagua, Masaya, Granada y Carazo 2007 Alcadìa de Managua 63
G2-093 Rules, decisions, and inequality in egalitarian societies FLANAGAN, James G. 1988 Aldershot 190
1.205GSR The logic of social inquiry GREER, Scott 1970 Aldine 232
G2-459 The eclipse of morality BUSCH, Lawrence 1999 Aldine De Gruyter 219
P-0.193 The greatest of evils DEVINE, Joel 1993 Aldine De Gruyter 236
4-102 Elders living alone RUBISTEIN, Robert L. 1992 Aldine De Gruyter 172
G1-242 Beyond the marketplace FRIEDLAND, Roger 1990 Aldine De Gruyter 365
3030 Social work with the aged and their families GREEN, Roberta R. 1986 Aldine De Gruyter 261
1024 Anziani e salute-il ruolo della prevenzione CAVALIERI, Ugo 1983 Aldo Francisci 134
1028 Quaderni i MESSINA, Angela Maria 1983 Aldo Francisci 96
4.009C Emarginazione e anziani GIUMELLI, Guglielmo 1981 Aldo Francisci 159
G1-035 The high-flex society CHOATIE, Pat 1986 Alfred A. Knopf 301
G1-003 Services STANBACK, Thomas M. JR. 1981 Allanheld Osmun & Co 156
G1-29 International capitalism and industrial restructuring PEET, Richards 1987 Allen & Unwin 315
G7-046 Give and take in families BRANNEN, Julia 1987 Allen & Unwin 209
G2-072 Marxism class analysis and socialist pluralism 1986 Allen & Unwin 155
G4-016 Cities, capitalism and civilization HOLTON, R.J. 1986 Allen & Unwin 163
G4-038 Production, work, territory SCOTT, Allen J. 1986 Allen & Unwin 344
S-0.009 Socialism, economics and development NOVE, Alec 1986 Allen & Unwin 243
G1-740 Too Big to Fail Andrew Ross Sorkin 2009 9781846142383 Allen Lane 600
G1-531 Global problems and culture of capitalism ROBBINS, Richard H. 1999 Allyn And Bacon 422
G1-731 La responsabilité sociale des entreprises francaises 2009 Alternatives Economiques Poche 128
G4-119 Per una storia della casa pubblica a Ferrara e provincia ACER 100 FERRARA 2021 97912 80178381 Altralinea 205
G2-948 I funamboli Donatella Barazzetti e Antonella Cammarota 2014 9788865161432 Altreconomia Edizioni 110
G4-386 Comparative statistical analysis at national, metropolitan, local and neighbourhood level belgium DE CLERCQ, Ellen 2000 Ame 91
G4-387 Comparative statistical analysis at national, metropolitan, local and neighbourhood level france ARBONVILLE, Denise 2000 Ame 54
G4-388 Comparative statistical analysis at national, metropolitan, local and neighbourhood level germany DORSCH, Pamela 2000 Ame 102
G4-389 Comparative statistical analysis at national, metropolitan, local and neighbourhood level italy ANDREOTTI, Alberta 2000 Ame 80
G4-390 Comparative statistical analysis at national, metropolitan local and neighbourhood level united Kingdom BEAUMONT, Justin 2000 ame 78
G4-391 The spatial dimension of urban social exclusion and integration : a european comparison MUSTERED, Sako 2000 Ame 50
G4-305 The global movement in urban evolution NIJMAN, Jan 1996 Ame 40
G2-403 A dutch miracle VISSER, Jelle 1997 Amsterdam University Press 206
G2-811 A long goodbye to Bismarck? Bruno Palier 2010 9789089642349 Amsterdam University Press 455
G6-196 Selected studies in international migration and immigrant incorporation Marco Martiniello, Jan Rath 2010 9789089641601 Amsterdam University Press 628
G4-507 City in sight Jan Willem Duyvendak, Frank Hendriks and Mies van Niekerk 2009 9789089641694 Amsterdam University Press 309
G6-199 Ethnic Amsterdam Liza Nell & Jan Rath 2009 9789089641687 Amsterdam University Press 214
SV-005 L'antenna di babele 1 BELLUATI, Marinella 1995 Anabasi 163
G1-316 Economia e razionalità ed etica HAUSMAN, Daniel 1994 Anabasi 62
G2-220 Stato nazionale e comunità umana DUNN, John 1994 Anabasi 43
G2-222 Larivoluzione elettorale MANNHEIMER, Renato 1994 Anabasi 223
STAT-0-023 Friendly con BALBO, Laura 1993 Anabasi 199
P-404 L'esclusione sociale in Lombardia ORES - Regione Lombardia 2010 9788862502184 Angelo Guerini e Associati 296
ANTR-2 I fondamenti antropologici della creatività Marcello Andriola 2004 9788885207622 Angelo Pontecorboli Editore 291
G3-011 The shadow economy SMITH, Stephen 1986 Anglo ; German Found. S. I. S 102
ANTR-22 Sociologia & antropologia Glaucia Villas Boas, André Botelho e Elina Pessanha 2012 22367527 Anpocs 320

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