
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
4.032C Il mondo delle cose DOUGLAS, Mary 1984 Il Mulino 229
4.001C Vecchiaia e società GIORI, Danilo 1984 Il Mulino 378
4.022B Family care givers and dependent elderly SPRINGER, Dianne 1984 Sage 159
4.021B Women in midlife BARUCH, Grace 1984 Plenum Press 404
4.020B Eight london households WALLMAN, Sandra 1984 Tavistock 234
4.016B Famiglia e matrimonio in europa GOODY, Jack 1984 Arnoldo Mondadori 363
4.057C Serving the people WITHORN, Ann 1984 Columbia 272
4.052C Building support networks for the elderly BIEGEL, David E. 1984 Sage 159
4.042C Neighborhoods HALLMAN, Howard W. 1984 Sage 319
4.049C Ages in conflict a FONER, Nancy 1984 Columbia University 305
STAT-0-004 Xviii rapporto 1984 sulla situazione sociale del paese CENSIS 1984 Franco Angeli 590
5062 Il servizio sanitario nazionale CORRENTE, E. 1984 Edizioni Lavoro 173
7001 Il senso della morte CAVICCHIA SCALAMONTI, Antonio 1984 Liguori Editore 251
G2-094 Le temps libre SAMUEL, Nicole 1984 Labrairie Des Meridiens 207
1.281GSR Il distretto possibile TOGNETTI BORDGNA, Mara 1984 Francisci 212
G1-001 Siliconj valley fever ROGERS, Everett M. 1984 Basic Books 302
G1-004 Giovani e progetto sommerso SCANAGATTA, Silvio 1984 Patron 211
G1-015 Beyond the wasteland a BOWLES, Samuel 1984 Verso 328
P-0.012 The new american poverty a HARRINGTON, Michael 1984 Penguin 271
G1-031 The other america HARRINGTON, Michael 1984 Penguin 221
G1-034 The second industrial divide PIORE, Michael J. 1984 Basic Books 355
G1-036 Altri codici MELUCCI, Alberto 1984 Il Mulino 527
G1-041 Capitalism divided? INGHAM, Geoffrey 1984 Macmillan 304
G1-066 Accumulation crisis O' CONNOR, James 1984 Basil Blackwell 261
G1-089 Big structures large processes huge comparisons TILLY, Charles 1984 Sage 176
G2-002 The state & political theory CARNOY, Martin 1984 Princeton University Press 282
G2-003 The disabled state STONE, Deborah A. 1984 Temple University Press 241
G2-028 Stato-nazione e ordine sociale CAMPANELLA, Miriam 1984 Franco Angeli 305
G2-050 Welfare state all'italiana Busana Banterle C. 1984 Laterza 331
G2-052 Contradictions of the welfare state OFFE, Claus 1984 Hutchinson 310
G2-078 White-collar proletariat CROMPTON, Rosemary 1984 Macmillan 277
G2-147 Legitimacy and the state CONNOLLY, William 1984 Basil Blackwell 281
MS-0.013 The sociology of law COTTERRELL, Roger 1984 Butterworths 409
G3-018 Les economies non officielles ARCHAMBAULT, Edith 1984 La Decouverte 247
G3-021 House hold and the world-economy SMITH, Joan 1984 Sage 296
G3-023 The black economy SMITHIES, Edward 1984 Macmillan 165
G3-027 Les economies non officielles ARCHAMBAULT, Edith 1984 La Decouverte 247
G3-028 L'economie informelle ADAIR, Philippe 1984 Anthropos 180
G3-035 Le travail noir & l'economie de demain SAUVY, Alfred 1984 Cakmann ; Levy 304
G3-045 L'economie sousterraine HEERTJE, Arnold 1984 Economica 144
G4-002 The suburban sqeeze DOWALL, David E. 1984 University Of California 248
G4-015 Cities in recession SZELENYI, Ivan 1984 Sage 311
G4-021 Papers of the regional science association REGIONAL SCIENCE ASSSOCIATION 1984 University Of Illinois 154
G4-031 New york affairs NETZER, Dick 1984 New York University 128
G4-032 Ew york affairs NETZER, Dick 1984 New York University 143
G4-037 The urban arena SHORT, John R. 1984 Macmillan 202
G4-049 Cities in transformation SMITH, Michael Peter 1984 Sage 263
G4-059 La produzione sociale del piano CROSTA, Pier Luigi 1984 Franco Angeli 295
G4-139 Developper SACHS, Ignacy 1984 Universite Cooperative Internationale 128
G4-141 The production of the built environment PERRIE, Walter 1984 Barlett International Summer School 173

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