
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
4069 Culture of social services KAKABADSE, Andrew 1982 Gower 199
4063 Il genere e il sesso ILLICH, Ivan 1982 Arnoldo Mondadori 246
4078 L'operatore psico-sociale e il territorio NOVAGA, Marcello 1982 Unicopli 101
4089 Handicappati scuola enti locali PAVONE, Marisa 1982 Nuova Guaraldi 142
4090 Community work TWELVETREES, Alan 1982 Macmillan 137
4088 L'assistenza appropriata i TORTELLO, Mario 1982 Nuova Guaraldi 237
4087 I servizi sociali tra programmazione e partecipazione LA ROSA, M. 1982 Franco Angeli 376
4.017A Retirement policy the next fifty years FOGARTY, Michael 1982 Heinemann 216
4.014A Aspects economiques du viellissement des hommes et des populations CLARK, Robert L. 1982 Economica 198
4.009A Women' s retirement SZINOVACZ, Maximiliane 1982 Sage 271
4.005A Motivation career striving, and aging RAYNOR, Joel O. 1982 Hemisphere 406
4.009B The other side of growing old BROWN, Pat 1982 Macmillan 182
4.009BBIS The other side of growing old BROWN, Pat 1982 Macmillan 182
4.007B Saper invecchiare OLIVIERO, Alberto 1982 Editori Riuniti 132
4.004B Singles CARGAN, Leonard 1982 Sage 287
4,004C Aging from birth to death WHITE RILEY, Matilda 1982 Aaas 228
4.003C Middle and late life transition AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 1982 Sage 249
4.002C Social relations and human attributes HIRST, Paul 1982 Tavistock 297
4.017C Aging n early industrial society QUADAGNO, Jill 1982 Academic Press 231
4.014C Ageing & life course transactions an interdisciplinary perspective HREVEN, Tamara K. 1982 Guilford 281
4.034C Life after a death a BOWLING, Ann 1982 Tavistock 253
4.008D Conceptions, mesures at actions en santè publique INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE' 1982 Inserm 400
4.007D Conceptions, meseures et actions en santè publique INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE' 1982 Inserm 328
STAT-0-002 Xvi rapporto 1982 sulla situazione sociale del paese CENSIS 1982 Franco Angeli 719
5016 Risk and ageing BREARLEY, Paul C. 1982 Routledge & Kegan Paul 149
5036 The adult years ROGERS, Dorothy 1982 Prentice ; Hall 414
5034 Current trends in british gerontology TAYLOR, Rex 1982 Gower 230
5024 Oltre i cinquanta PEROTTI, Carla 1982 Sperling & Kupfer 212
6006 Congregate housing for older people CHELLIS, Robert D. 1982 Lexington 226
6001 Housing needs and the elderly ROSE, Edgar A. 1982 Gower 93
7007 Sourcebook on death and aging FRUEHLING, James A. 1982 Marquis 788
1.197GSR Sauve-qui-peut, la crise? DOUGIER, Henry 1982 Le Seuil 212
1.169GSR Scienza, classi e società THERBORN, Goran 1982 Einauidi Editore 520
1.216GSR Terziario e terziarizzazione nell'analisi sociologica OLAGNERO, Manuela 1982 Franco Angeli 301
1.226GSR Sociologia dei processi nazionalitari BIAGI, Adriano 1982 Fiorini 157
1.278GSR Fra regole e utopia CREPET, Paolo 1982 Psichatria Democratica 361
G1-002 The communications revolution WILLIAMS, Frederick 1982 Sage 291
G1-019 Hungarian sociology today HUNGARIAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 1982 Inst. For Social Science 253
G1-054 The deindustrialization of america BLUESTONE, Barry 1982 Basic Books 323
G1-063 Changing value patterns and their impact on economic structure KOGANE, Yoshihiro 1982 University Of Tokyo 228
G2-005 Ingovernabilità e mutamento delle democrazie OFFE, Claus 1982 Il Mulino 139
G2-007 The new class war FOX PIVEN, Frances 1982 Pantheon Books 163
G2-021 Costituzione senza sovrano KIRCHHEIMER, Otto 1982 De Donato 211
G2-043 The limits to capital HARVEY, David 1982 Basil Blackwell 478
G2-053 Hardship TAGGART, Robert 1982 W. E. Upjohn Institute 440
MS-0.018 Dictionary of social welfare TIMMS, Noel 1982 Routledge 217
G3-009 Beating the system SIMON, Carl P. 1982 Auburn House 304
G3-008 The underground economy in the united states and abroad TAMZI, Vito 1982 Lexington 340
G3-006 Autocostruzione marginalità o proposta GINATEMPO, Nella 1982 Casa Del Libro 131
G3-026 The subterranean economy BAWLY, Dan 1982 Mcgraw ; Hill 187

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