
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
1088 Inequalities in health TOWNSEND, Peter 1980 Penguin 240
1074 Quality of life in older persons GEORGE, Linda K. 1980 Human Sciences Press 238
2025 Personality in meddle and late life NEUGARTEN, Berenice L. 1980 Arno Press 231
2020 The psychological aspects of the aging process GEIST, Harold 1980 Robert E. Krieger 194
2019 Il paese degli specchi DE MARTIS, Dario 1980 Feltrinelli 204
2014 Human memory SEAMON, John G. 1980 University Press 463
2012 Language and communication in the elderly OBLER, Loraine K. 1980 Lexington 220
3007 Consultorio sociale e bisogni sociali DONATI, Pierpaolo 1980 Franco Angeli 248
1178 Il pane selvaggio CAMPORESI, Piero 1980 Il Mulino 243
3035 Planning for the elderly in new york city RESEARCH UTILIZATION WORKSHOP 1980 Com. Counc. Of Greater Ny 68
3041 Open care for the elderly in seven european countries a AMANN, Anton 1980 Pergamon 225
3057 Changing patterns of care SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1980 Hmso 115
4026 Social policies and programs on aging LOWY, Luis 1980 Lexington 267
4014 The economics of aging SCHULTZ, James H. 1980 Wadsworth 219
4028 La qualità della vita nella terza età LAICARDI, Caterina 1980 Borla 181
4005 Public policies for an aging population MARKSON, Elizabeth W. 1980 Lexington 141
4004 La vieillesse et l'etat GUILLEMARD, Anne Marie 1980 Puf 238
4071 Pricing the social services JUDGE, Ken 1980 Macmillan 175
1.033GSR Analisi della cisl BAGLIONI, Guido 1980 Edizioni Lavoro 415
1.029GSR Classe FUGAZZA, Mariachiara 1980 Dedalo 320
1.064GSR Analisi della cisl GUIDO, Baglioni 1980 Edizioni Lavoro 340
4.020A The economics of individual and populating aging CLARK, Robert L. 1980 Cambridge University 211
4.018A Retirement policy in an aging society CLARK, Robert L. 1980 Duke University Press 215
4.016A A history of retirement GRAEBNER, William 1980 Yale University Press 293
4.015A The future of older workers in america WORK IN AMERICA INSTITUTE 1980 Work In America Institute 135
4.013A The economics of individual and population aging CLARK, Robert L. 1980 Cambridge University 211
4.030A Leaving early PRIAL GORDUS, Jeanne 1980 W. E. Upjohn Institute 88
4.029C Old people SEEBOHM ROWNTREE, B. 1980 Oxford University 202
4.025C Aging in canada MARSHALL, Victor W. 1980 Fitzhenry & Whiteside 314
4.010C Environment and aging LAWTON, Powell M. 1980 Brooks/cole 185
4.006C Old age in the modern world INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GERONTOLOGY 1980 Arno Press 647
4.005C Gli invalidi e la patente BELLI, Raffaello 1980 Francisci 116
4.018C Growing old JOHYNSON, Elizabeth S. 1980 Holt Reinhard And Wintson 196
4.015C Social gerontology DECKER, David L. 1980 Little - brown Company 304
4.015B Allineati e dispersi GALLO, Ermanno 1980 Ottaviano 208
4.040C Aging isolation and resocialization BENNETT, Ruth 1980 Van Nostrand Reinhold 213
4.001D La trasformazione demografica delle società europee LIVI BACCI, Massimo 1980 Loescher 439
5017 Young programs for older workers JACOBSON, Beverly 1980 Van Nostrand Reinhold 123
5015 Social security ans pensions in transiction; understanding the american retirement system STEIN, Bruno 1980 Free Press 308
5007 The social forces in later life ATCHLEY, Robert C. 1980 Wadsworth 468
5004 L'anziano nella società industriale GIUMELLI, Guglielmo 1980 Nicolo' Raganati 199
5001 Aging and society WILLIAMSON, John B. 1980 Holt - rinehart & Winston 450
5031 Life-styles for the aging WAOKER, Chandler Edna 1980 Elsevier/nelson 160
5057 La vita della vita MORIN, Edgar 1980 Feltrinelli 231
6003 Housing for the elderly SCOTTISH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1980 Hmso
6002 Communal facilities in sheltered housing ROSE, Edgar A. 1980 Saxon House 158
7006 Death education WASS, Hanneclore 1980 Hemisphere 303
1.036GSR L economie de marx histoire d'un echec DENIS, Henri 1980 Puf 215
1.092GSR Per una sinistra di governo DRAGONE, Umberto 1980 Franco Angeli 231
MS-0.019 Problemi della sociologia STATERA, Gianni 1980 285

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