
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
4039 Dalla carità allo stato sociale ALBER, Jens 1987 Il Mulino 342
4066 Programmazione sanitaria regionale ANGIOLINI, V. 1987 Franco Angeli 93
4059 Purchase of service contracting KETTNER, Peter M. 1987 Sage 170
4085 Efficacia ed efficienza nella produzione dei servizi sanitari CLERICO, G. 1987 Franco Angeli 357
4.028A Preparing staff for retirement TOULSON, Norman 1987 Gower 141
4.027A Nearing retirement LYON, Phil 1987 Avebury 196
4.026B Consultorio familiare UCIPEM 1987 Franco Angeli 269
4.063C Society, stress and disease LEVI, Lennart 1987 Oxford University 384
4.059C Communicating social support ALBRECHT, Terrance L. 1987 Sage 317
5056 S come cultura PIATTELLI PALMARINI, Massimo 1987 Arnoldo Mondadori 295
5055 Le donne nei miti e nelle leggende MONAGHAN, Patricia 1987 Red 450
5054 La scienza ew i valori LAUDAN, Larry 1987 Laterza 189
5053 Questo pianeta CONTI, Laura 1987 Editori Riuniti 272
5049 Vecchi da morire SANTANERA, Francesco 1987 Rosenberg & Sellier 295
5047 La quarta età ARDIGO', Achille 1987 Edizioni Lavoro 113
5063 Old age in medern society a VICTOR, Christina R. 1987 Chapman And Hall 338
5060 Communication and assertion skills for older persons LEILANI, Doty 1987 Hemisphere 262
5059 Case studies in medicine for the elderly ALLEN, S.C. 1987 Mtp 194
7009 Assistenza psicosociale al malato in fase terminale GARFIELD, Charles A. 1987 Mcgraw ; Hill 390
7011 The mirror of time BOYLE, Joan M. 1987 Greenwood Press 221
G2-085 The manufacture of disadvantage LEE, Gloria 1987 Open University Press 216
G2-100 Freedom, equality, and the market HINDESS, Barry 1987 Tavistock 183
1.212GSR Trattato di sociologia del lavoro e dell'organizzazione 1987 Franco Angeli 840
G1-011 Workplace industrial relations and technical change DANIEL, W.W. 1987 Frances Pinter 312
G1-016 A theory of capitalist regualtion AGLIETTA, Michel 1987 Verso 390
G1-017 The meaning of crisis a O' CONNOR, James 1987 Basil Blackwell 197
G1-024 Global shift DICKEN, Peter 1987 Harper & Row 456
G1-026 The end of organized capitalism LASH, Scott 1987 Basil Blackwell 383
G1-29 International capitalism and industrial restructuring PEET, Richards 1987 Allen & Unwin 315
G1-30 Class and civil society COHEN, Jean L. 1987 Univ. Of Massachusetts 264
G1-042 Rethinking development APTER, David E. 1987 Sage 326
G1-051 La società italiana degli anni ottanta ASCOLI, U. 1987 Laterza 335
G1-055 La benetton NARDIN, Giuseppe 1987 Edizioni Lavoro 138
G1-069 Stagnation and renewal in social policy REIN, Martin 1987 M. E. Sharpe 191
G2-024 The state of the market MARTIN, Loney 1987 Sage 264
G1-102 The political economy of industrial democracies HIBBS, Douglas A. JR. 1987 Harvard University 327
G2-056 The mean season BLOCK, Fred 1987 Pantheon Books 205
G2-058 The welfare state in transition JOHNSON, Norman 1987 Wheatsheaf Books 243
G2-059 Controlling social welfare a COUSIN, Christine 1987 Wheatsheaf Books 219
G2-060 The politics of welfare DEAKIN, Nicholas 1987 Methuen & Co 205
P-0.013 Dynamics of deprivation FERGE, Zsuzsa 1987 Gower 329
G2-062 La fatica del lavoro sociale CALVARUSO, Claudio 1987 Ter 128
G2-068 Interventions economiques BAKVIS, Peter 1987 Saint ; Martin 200
G2-069 Interventions economiques AUDET, Monique 1987 Editions Saint ; Martin 270
G2-073 Freedom, equality, and the market HINDESS, Barry 1987 Tavistock 183
G2-076 The new england working class and the new labor history GUTMAN, Herbert G. 1987 University Of Illinois 296
G2-077 Capitalism and unfree labour MILES, Robert 1987 Tavistock 250
G2-079 The romantic ethic and the spirit of modern consumerism CAMPBELL, Colin 1987 Basil Blackwell 301
G2-106 Taking japan seriously a DORE, Ronald 1987 Athelone Press 264
G2-114 Welfare without the state a HARRIS, Ralph 1987 Inst. Of Economic Affairs 110

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