
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
G2-118 Mirages and miracles LIPIETZ, Alain 1987 Verso 226
G2-123 Conoscenza sociale e servizio sociale CRESPI, Franco 1987 Franco Angeli 165
G2-140 Controlling social welfare a COUSINS, Christine 1987 Wheatsheaf Books 219
G2-146 Stato e regolazione sociale LANGE, Peter 1987 Il Mulino 365
MS-0.017 Lessico della politica ZACCARIA, Giuseppe 1987 Edizioni Lavoro 671
G3-010 Informal markets in developing countries JAGANNATHAN, Vijav N. 1987 University Press 139
G3-013 Homeworking ALLEN, Sheila 1987 Macmillan 225
G3-014 A matter of hours BEECHEY, Veronica 1987 Polity Press 212
G3-015 Families and work GERSTEL, Naomi 1987 Temple University Press 539
G3-034 The unofficial economy ALESSANDRINI, Sergio 1987 Gower 345
S-0.002 The socialist third world FORBES, Dean 1987 Basil Blackwell 333
G4-035 The roots of urban unrest BENYON, John 1987 Pergamon 207
G4-040 La società veneta 1986 FONDAZIONE CORAZZIN 1987 Liviana 476
G4-044 Global restructuring and territorial development HENDERSON, Jeffrey 1987 Sage 256
G4-046 Territorio e servizio sociale FERRARIO, Franca 1987 Unicopli 326
G4-052 Il conflitto senza avventure MOTTURA, Giovanni 1987 Universita' Di Modena 124
G4-061 Modernizzazione ed eterogeneità sociale SCAMUZZI, Sergio 1987 Franco Angeli 164
G4-063 Women human settlements and housing MOSER, Caroline O.N. 1987 Tavistock 222
G4-064 Global restructuring and territorial development HENDERSON, Jeffrey 1987 Sage 256
G7-066 American families and households SWEET, James A. 1987 Russel Sage Foundation 416
G4-138 American neighborhoods and residential differentiation WHITE, Michael J. 1987 Sage 327
G2-200 La rivoluzione dell'impresa sociale Borzaga C., Galera G. 2023 9788807990946 feltrinelli 207
G4-154 Small farms BONANNO, Alessandro 1987 Westview Press 228
G4-214 Storia d'italia AYMARD, Maurice 1987 Giulio Einaudi Editore 1098
G4-074 The rise of urbanization and the decline of citizenship BOOKCHIN, Murray 1987 Sierra Club 300
G4-082 Urban fortunes LOGAN, John R. 1987 University Of California 383
G4-094 The persistence of patriarchy. Class, gender and ideology in twentieth century algeria KNAUSS, Peter R. 1987 Praeger 176
G4-101 Peasants & peasant societies SHANIN, Teodor 1987 Basil Blackwell 497
G4-105 Planning in the public domain FRIEDMAN, John 1987 Princeton University Press 501
G4-108 The community in urban society LYON, Larry 1987 The Dorsey Press 276
G4-128 Regionalism and regional devolution in comparative perspective ROUSSEAU, Mark O. 1987 Praeger 292
G5-047 Trattato di sociologia del lavoro e dell'organizzazione DE MASI, D. 1987 Franco Angeli 840
G5-048 Quaderni di diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali CARNICI, F. 1987 Utet 246
G5-049 Hidden aspects of women' s work BOSE, Christine 1987 Praeger 380
G5-053 Youth work JEFFS, Tony 1987 Macmillan 158
G5-071 Il mercato del lavoro fra economia e società CORTESE, Anna 1987 Franco Angeli 189
G5-073 Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale MIES, Maria 1987 Zed Books Ltd 251
G5-075 The historical meanings of work JOYCE, Patrick 1987 Cambridge University 320
G5-082 Flexibility in labour markets TARLING, Roger 1987 Academic Press 345
G5-090 World-2 labour report 1 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE 1987 Oxford University 296
G5-091 World labour report 3 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE 1987 Oxford University 169
G5-096 Working but poor LEVITAN, Sar A. 1987 Johns Hopkins University 142
G5-114 Mercato e forze locali BECATTINI, Giacomo 1987 Il Mulino 193
G5-117 Les jeunes et l'emploi DENANTES, Jaques 1987 L'harmattan 137
G5-124 Unemployment and the labour market WILSON, Tom 1987 The Institute Of Economic Affairs 70
G5-126 Urban unemployment HASLUCK, Chris 1987 Longman 248
G5-127 Unemployment GUNDERSON, Morley 1987 University Of Toronto 224
G5-135 Unemployment GUNDERSON, Morley 1987 University Of Toronto 224
G5-136 Urban unemployment HASLUCK, Chris 1987 Longman 248

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