
Collocazione Titolo Autore Anno ISBN Editore Pagine Libro
G5-140 I caratteri della disoccupazione ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA ECONOMISTI DEL LAVORO 1987 Universita' Degli Studi Di Pavia 566
G5-142 Unemployment & the structure of labor markets LANG, Kevin 1987 Basil Blackwell 253
G6-003 Women' s work & chicano families ZAVELLA, Patricia 1987 Cornell University 191
G6-009 The new helots COHEN, Robin 1987 Gower 290
G6-010 Black workers in an industrial suburb WILLIAMS, Bruce B. 1987 Rutgers University 230
G6-012 The economics of mass migration in the twentieth century KLEIN, Sidney 1987 Paragon House 179
G6-014 Divided neighborhood TOBIN, Gary A. 1987 Sage 283
G6-020 Immigration in new york BOGEN, Elizabeth 1987 Praeger 268
G6-021 Migrants, workers, and the social order EADES, Jeremy 1987 Tavistock 281
G6-026 Migrants in europe BUECHLER, Hans Christian 1987 Greenwood 319
G6-031 New immigrants in new york FONER, Nancy 1987 Columbia University 318
G6-035 Regulating society MIZRUCHI, Ephraim H. 1987 University Of Chicago Press 207
P-0.006 Not only the poor GOODIN, Robert E. 1987 Unwin Hyman 245
P-0.004 The truly disadvantaged WILSON, Williams Julius 1987 University Of Chicago Press 254
G7-003 The concept of kinship and other essays GELLENER, Ernest 1987 Basil Blackwell 228
G7-006 Invisible hands MENEFEE SINGH, Andrea 1987 Sage 269
G7-010 The homeless in contemporary society BINGHAM, Richard D. 1987 Sage 276
G7-015 La vita privata ARIES, Philippe 1987 Laterza 519
G7-019 Rethinking the life cycle BRYMAN, Alan 1987 Macmillan 255
G7-022 Women work & family TILLY, Louise A. 1987 Methuen & Co 274
G7-023 Family life in western societies a GOLDTHROPE, J.E. 1987 Cambridge University 285
G7-024 Keeping it in the family GRIECO, Margaret 1987 Cambridge University 219
G7-030 Gender in the workspace BROWN, Clair 1987 The Brookings Institution 316
G7-033 Unequal work BEECHEY, Veronica 1987 Verso 240
G7-045 The crossroads of class & gender BENERIA, Lourdes 1987 The University Of Chicago Press 204
G7-046 Give and take in families BRANNEN, Julia 1987 Allen & Unwin 209
G7-051 Friendship networks & social support WILLMOTT, Peter 1987 Psi 115
P-0.016 Sozialer abstieg und verarmung von familien durch arbeitslosigkeit KLEIN, Thomas 1987 Campus 422
P-0.019 Die realitat der neuen armut LOMPE, Klaus 1987 Transfer Verlag 308
P-0.028 Landscapes of despair DEAR, Michael 1987 Princeton University Press 306
G6-043 Closed borders DOWTY, Alan 1987 Yale University Press 270
G6-050 Le logement en france TOPALOV, Christian 1987 Fond. Nat. Sciences Polit: 437
G1-119 La vita della mente ARENDT, Hannah 1987 il Mulino 617
G2-158 Bureaucracy against democracy and socialism GLASSMAN M., Ronald 1987 Greenwood Press 227
G1-157 Diffusion des nouvelles technologies INTERVENTIONS ECONOMIQUES 1987 Diffusion Prologue 304
5071 Manuale di sociologia sanitaria DONATI, Pierpaolo 1987 La Nuova Italia 282
8008 European american elderly GUTTMANN, David 1987 Greenwood Press 122
G1-138 Die de-industrialisierungsthese. Eine analyse ihrer empirisch-statistichen grundlagen LINDNER, Helmut 1987 Iaw 310
G1-143 Le due vie dello sviluppo industriale. Produzione di massa e produzione flessibile PIORE, Michael J. 1987 Isedi. Petrini 483
P-0.046 Dynamics of deprivation FERGE, Zsuzsca 1987 Gower 329
G1-333 The end of theory Bookstaber R. 2017 9780691191850 Princeton Press 221
RL-0.013 Gli operatori territoriali regionali coordinamento e strumenti informativi-primi risultati di ricerca IRER 1987 Irer 80
RL-0.015 Consumi culturali e politiche culturali in lombardia IRER 1987 Irer 150
RL-0.016 I vincoli paesistici in lombardia provvedimenti di tutela prima della legge 431 e lettura del territorio IRER 1987 Irer 273
S-0.018 Soviet agriculture ZHORES, A. 1987 Norton 464
G4-210-1 Note assistenza e servizi sociali ARTERO, G. 1987 Regione Lombardia 78
G4-211 -2 Note assistenza e servizi sociali : 1987/5 legislazione statale legislazione regionale regione lombardia esperienze di lavoro ra ARTERO, G. 1987 Regione Lombardia 79
G1-165 Gli istituti per minori in lombardia ROSSI, Giovanna 1987 Franco Angeli 222
G1-175 The end of organized capitalism LASH, Scott 1987 Polity Press 383
G2-180 Azione volontaria e welfare state 1987 Il Mulino 368

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